Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Go Keyless

An electronic keyless entry system is an electronic keypad along with a deadbolt, doorknob, or lever like the one seen in the image below. Access is gained to a residential or commercial property by entering a code that usually consists of a series of numbers. If you would like multiple people to have access to a property, such as a business, you can give each of them the code without having to worry about having several keys made up. If you would no longer like someone to have access to said property, you can simply change the combination code on the keypad. This can be much easier than having the locks changed altogether. With an electronic keyless entry system, you won't have to worry about remembering your key or trying to force your door open when you get locked out. It's as easy as 1,2,3,4...though we do not recommend this combination as your code. For more information about having an electronic keyless entry system installed at your home or business, contact your trusted, local locksmith company